Hi Everyone!
I updated the Rosh Hashana educational resources at:
Additions include:
* When Rosh Hashana's First Day is Shabbat
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin
* Hamizrachi Magazine:
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5784 Issue
* Philo Torah: Rosh Hashana Pages 5784
* Philo Torah: Simanim 5784
* Philo Torah: Sofar
* Philo Torah: Nitzavim - Vayeilech
* Torah Tidbits: Rosh Hashana 5784
* YU Torah To-Go: Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
* Ohrnet Nitzavim - Vayelech - Ha Azinu -
Rosh Hashanah - Yom Kippur 5784 Issue
Over 990 Rosh Hashana Videos on YouTube
Additions include:
* Benny Friedman - Tu Tu Tu
* Six13 - 5784
A Rosh Hashanah adaptation of "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago
* The Cry of A Broken Heart:
An Incredible Rosh Hashana Shofar - Rabbi Moshe Bryski
* Tamar Meisels: 5 Important Facts You Should Know About Rosh Hashanah!
* Rosh Hashana Songs with Reuti
* What is Rosh Hashanah About? - Jew Know It
* KLMN - Pushkina Avenue featuring Meilech Kohn
* Lenny Solomon Live - Show 270
* Let's Draw Apples and Honey
* Happy Rosh Hashana from the RRIS
* Shana Tova from Chai Lifeline!
* Hazzan David Presler: B'rosh Hashana
* Rabbi Yosef Shusterman: What We do the Day Before Rosh Hashana
* 20 Recipes for Rosh Hashana
* Donate & Bring a Smile to Lone Soldiers this Rosh Hashana!
* Aaron Shaffier: Shofar Basics for Rosh Hashanah.
How to blow the Shofar
* "Apple in honey" cake
Hebrew and English ingredients in video description
* Rosh Hashana Packages Project by Chasdei Naomi
* Franck Nabeth Rosh Hashana Clip
* Apple, Honey + Sultana Challah
* Rabbi Orlofsky: Rosh Hashanah: The Power of Judgement
and many more videos...
Rosh Hashana Humor Pages
* Bamba Gefilte Puffs
* Selichos in Seattle
Rosh Hashana Photo Gallery
* Kitchen Towels with Rosh Hashana Wishes
* Round Challot for Rosh Hashana
Enjoy! Please share. Thank you!
Shana Tova and Chag Sameach!