In his latest essay, Rabbi Cardozo analyzes the current framework of Judaism – “the four cubits of Halacha” – and contrasts this with the era of the prophets and the First Temple.
In this analysis, Rabbi Cardozo raises pertinent thoughts as to spirituality, and the spirit and grand view of Judaism for Jews and the world. The essay addresses the very nature of Judaism, Halacha, the prophets, and Jewish life and meaning.
Read Rabbi Cardozo's essay here: https://www.cardozoacademy.org/thoughtstoponder/the-upcoming-post-corona-crisis-part-3
Shabbat Shalom,
The Team at the David Cardozo Academy
Subscribe to Rabbi Cardozo's Thoughts to Ponder: https://www.cardozoacademy.org/
Rochie Hurwitz