Upcoming tours


May 12, 2020 | Events | Beit Shemesh
Upcoming tours

What do the following have in common?

   Bible, great homemade wine,  chocolate,  honey, sheep, beautiful Jewish  neshamot, amazing vistas, a blooming landscape, sacrifice, memorial,  Zionist vision?

Answer: Our amazing tour on Sunday, May 31, God willing.

We shall begin our day with a visit to "Oz Vagaon" and meet with a woman who walks in the footsteps of our greatest heroines. Nadia Matar ("Women in Green") will host us in the new Jewish development dedicated to the "three boys" HYD, abducted and murdered by Arab terrorists,  We will see the entire breathtaking area from atop the very new overlook built. in memory of Aryah Fuld HYD.

From there we will visit the home and vineyards of Yossi Zwebner, "Illegal settler", professional chef, wine expert, and former Israeli commando. (He might share some of his  adventures with us.).We will enjoy a wine tasting and an opportunity to purchase.

We are invited to visit  Iris the chocolate mavin who makes chocolate in her home. She will tell us all about chocolate and show us her own delicious creations and designs. We will sample her delights and may take some home (if you pay..).

Finally, we travel to southern Mt Hevron to Negahot. Shira, an early pioneer of this young community will show us around this front line outpost. The views of the coast are unmatched. The Biblical hills are alive again with Jewish building. agriculture, flocks, and children. We will sample their homemade honey and of course, want to bring some home.

 Suggestion: Bring an extra bag for all the goodies we will collect today.😉

We will leave from the Inbal Hotel at  8:30
Please bring a picnic lunch.
 The cost is 200 shekels.
Seating on the bus is limited due to Corona guidelines.


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