Miriam Rosin Photography - Affordable, stunning images!


Miriam Rosin Photography - Affordable, stunning images!

Offering a 1 hour photoshoot for 30%off! 

Now offering 30% off of a regular priced photoshoot

**When you refer 1 person who books a session, you receive 50% off of your photoshoot! When you refer 2 people, you receive 65% off.

*The referred person will also receive 30% off of their photoshoot.

The weather is gorgeous, don't wait! 

Visit Miriam Rosin Photography at rosinphotography.com
053 416 7424


Clients Satisfaction

Notice: Due to the potential damage of unfair and biased comments Janglo allows only positive reviews.
Vivian Cooper
Excellent! Beautiful!
5 years ago

Very beautiful images! Beautiful setup, background, and artistic skills! We LOVE them! Thank you!