We are looking to welcome in a madrichah to our stunning judean hillside medreshah (Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin Holistic Torah for Women on the Land) in Bat Ayin. Super unique opportunity to guide and mentor jewish and converting women and learn Torah/Kabbalah from some of the most inspiring Rabbi's.
Join us on campus for this exciting opportunity to grow, learn, and teach in the Garden’s of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin!
🌼The position is a work exchange. Enjoy our full curriculum of Torah classes, free rent on campus, and partial board, in exchange for 15 hours a week of garden work and leading activities.
🌼If you're serious about learning Torah, the environment and experiencing the laws of the land firsthand?
🌼please contact: [email protected]
💃 Women only