Alert: Knesset to vote on dictatorial law Monday July 26


Alert: Knesset to vote on dictatorial law Monday July 26

The Knesset is planning to pass a law on Monday, July 26, 2021, that will basically turn Israel into a dictatorship using video surveillance like in China. If you wish to note your opposition, it must be done ASAP. You may register and voice your opposition. Here's the link to the law they plan to pass, that will basically allow them to spy on us openly via facial recognition on public cameras:
אתר החקיקה הממשלתי - תזכיר חוק לתיקון פקודת המשטרה [נוסח חדש] (תיקון מס' )(מערכות צילום מיוחדות), התשפ"א-2021

NOTE to Jews and Arab citizens of Israel living outside of Israel: please voice your opposition. This law will hurt every single one of us.

#law #government #justice #immigration #corruption


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