
0583201938 [email protected]
Beit Shemesh


100 nis ONLINE OR 250 nis IN PERSON

Feel like you have to talk about it? Want to work through issues?

Grow stronger, wiser and well equipped to deal with life’s up and downs through counseling.

Counseling should be cheaper. That is why I am offering you subsidized prices, because I know what it’s like in this generation. And if you want good counseling, you have got be able to pay for it. That’s rough.

A few sessions can change your whole world.

Liat Rivka Mahler is a certified Marriage and Family Counselor, a certified Three Dimensional Therapy therapist, as well as an experienced nonprofit specialist with experience working in the medical field. Liat Rivka Mahler is a mother and wife as well, who is welcoming you to join her in improving your life, and that of those around you. You can contact her at 058-320-1938 or by email, [email protected]. Have a great day!

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