Bedroom in shared kosher Baka apartment (women only)

Real Estate Rentals

Bedroom in shared kosher Baka apartment (women only)
1,833 NIS
Owner [email protected]

Looking for shomeret kashrut/shomeret shabbat female for a cute, airy room in Baka, to share the apartment with my two sweet female roommates. Available March 1; dates may be flexible. For the short term until the summer, or for long-term to join the lease. Sunny, spacious living room and kitchen; below market rent! Ten-minute walk to Pardes, Emek Refaim, buses, kosher restaurants, many shuls. Quiet, beautiful leafy street and neighborhood. Upon request, happy past subletters can provide a reference. Please call or text me at 058-657-4870 if interested.

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