Yom Iyun Shemiras Halashon- Harnof


Yom Iyun Shemiras Halashon- Harnof
Physical 24/07/2023 24/07/2023 Starts 08:45 Ends 16:00 30 NIS
[email protected]
Agassi 5, Harnof - Kehillat Bnei Torah Hall

Yom Iyun Shemiras Halashon -” True Love of Hashem”

Monday, 6th of Menachem Av, July 24th, 2023

The true love of Hashem and his mitzvos is seen through the woman. "Ve'ahavta es Hashem Elokeicha". The woman encourages her husband and children to love learning Torah.

Shemiras halashon instills in children confidence in the fundamental goodness of the world and other people. They learn to judge others favorably, forming a habit that enhances every relationship in their lives. They develop the character trait that will equip them for their lifetime endeavor of serving Hashem (adapted from the Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi M. Miller of Gateshead).

The English lectures will be in Kehilat Bnei Torah, Agassi 5, commencing at 8:45 am sharp with Tehillim. The Hebrew lectures will be in the Boston Shul, Admor m'Ruzhin St, commencing at 4:30 pm. The entrance fee is 30 Shekels and covers admission to all the shiurim that day in Kehilat Bnei Torah and Boston.

Donations in memory of a loved one or a refuah sheleimah, yeshuah will be greatly appreciated. Please call Chana, 02-651-1447. If there is no answer or the line is busy, please leave a message.

Further details will be sent in a subsequent email.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!Please tell all your friends and neighbors! If you are able to, please print the dvar Torah and hang it in your building.


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