
Physical 16/07/2024 16/07/2024 Starts 14:00 Ends 16:00 30 NIS

I am pleased to announce the next Movie Matinee at Beit Knesset Hanassi. On Tuesday, July 16 we will present CROSSFIRE.

This movie is a film classic! It is the first movie to examine and portray anti-Semitism. A bigoted soldier meets a Jewish man with violent results. A brilliant script and superb performances by some of the best actors of the 20th century make this powerful portrayal of Jew-hatred indelible. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards including Best Picture. It stars three “Roberts”-Mitchum, Young and Ryan. It is an extraordinary and IMPORTANT film.

The Movie Matinee is at 2:00. The film is 1½ hours in length. In addition, there will be a brief introduction of the film, a short talk and discussion after the screening and an essay about the movie provided to all attendees.

The film has English subtitles for persons with hearing challenges.

There will be refreshments. No reservations are required. Beit Knesset Hanassi is located at 24 Ussishkin Street. The admission is 20 shekels for members of the shul and 30 shekels for non-members.

For more information, please contact Mark at 0548 01 1957 or [email protected].


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