“Torah Tuesday” Guest Speaker Series


“Torah Tuesday” Guest Speaker Series
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc), Physical 19/10/2021 23/11/2021 Starts 17:15 Ends 20:20 20 NIS


Our next guest speaker is our very own

Rav Daniel Kohn of Bat Ayin!! 

Schedule for October 19th...

  • 17:15 Israeli Time / 10:15 am EST / Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum / Women In The Torah /
  • 18:30 IT / 11:30 am EST / Break /
  • 19:00 Isreal / 12:00noon EST / Rav Daniel Kohn of Bat Ayin / The Feminine Aspect of Prayer /

Come in Person! only 20 NIS, please RSVP!

Zoom link suggested donations are $10, $18, $36, $180, or more. EVERY donation is greatly appreciated. Like all schools, we survive on the donations from our community:


Thank you for your support/

RSVP & Zoom Link Registration: (women only): https://form.jotform.com/212771431137046 

Recordings available for $18 donation to Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin, contact/ [email protected] 

Find our full schedule and description of guest speaker's Shiurim www.berotbatayin.org/fall-program-5782

*women only*


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