Excellent High School for Alternative Learners?


Dec 11, 2022 | Community | Advice | National
Excellent High School for Alternative Learners?
0547924438 [email protected]

Looking to discover an amazing school for my 15-year-old daughter. 9th grade. Dorm is ideal. Anywhere in Israel, but ideally within Jerusalem or 1-2 hour max public travel from there.

The ideal would be a place that is very focused on experiential learning, building life skills and habits, and also has an excellent structure for emotional support and treatment as needed. As much time out of standard classroom as possible.

For kids that are great kids but don't fit into standard learning profiles, and are starting to act out as a result of that and just... you know: life's complications and being a teenager...

She is bilingual.

Any and all feedback and recommendations received with much appreciation.

Aviva Eliana


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