Today - Special Hanukkah Shiur on Zoom by Dr. Beni Gesundheit!


Today - Special Hanukkah Shiur on Zoom by Dr. Beni Gesundheit!
Virtual (Zoom, FB, Youtube, etc) 11/12/2022 11/12/2022 Starts 17:00 Ends 18:00

TODAY - Special Hanukkah Shiur on Zoom with Dr. Beni Gesundheit: The Menorah of the Rambam
Sunday December 11, 17 Kislev at 5pm in ISRAEL / 10am EST
and Torah in Motion present a two-part Hanukkah series by Dr. Beni Gesundheit on Zoom on Sundays, December 11 & 18, 5pm in Israel, 10am EST. Each shiur is a stand-alone lecture.
Recordings will also be available.

The shiur today will review the differing descriptions found in the Yerushalmi and Babylonian Talmudic sources regarding the two miracles of Hanukkah – the military victory of the Maccabees, and the oil that burned for eight days. The shiur will also consider the Rambam’s view of the Hasmonaean Monarchy.

The second Hanukkah shiur will take place next Sunday December 18, on the topic of: Zechariah - The Prophetic Visions of the Menorah in their Historical and Literary Context.

Recordings will be uploaded a few days after each shiur, on the page below.

To register for free or watch the recordings:

The Tefilah.Org Team


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