Shomer shabbat madrichim/ot


Oct 18, 2022 | Jobs | Other | Jerusalem & Area
Shomer shabbat madrichim/ot
Part Time
0546663170 [email protected]
36 Malchei Yisrael Jerusalem

The Dementia Center in Beit Tovei hair needs Shomeri Shabbat madrichim and madrichot for mishmerot shabbat

* need to be walking distance to 36 Malchei Yisrael, Geula neighborhood

1. Male madrichim to lead a musical kabbalat shabbat with the residents on Friday hour before candle lighting.  To lead maariv immediately after candle lighting and lead the seudat shabbat.

2. Male madrichim to lead shacharit in the morning, give a dvar torah at kiddush, lead zmirot at lunch

3. Male madrichim to lead mincha, zmirot at seuda shlishit and stay to make havdala

We need female madrichot (same shifts) to facilitate  the women's programming

**possibility to sleep over entire shabbat if working all 3 shifts

Ruti 054-666-3170

[email protected]


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