In depth tour to Hevron


In depth tour to Hevron
Physical 18/01/2022 18/01/2022 Starts 08:30 Ends 17:00 250 NIS
[email protected] 0522352724
Betar 40 /8 Jerusalem Jerusalem

Hevron; as rarely experienced.
On Tuesday, January 18 we will visit Hevron Departure from the Inbal hotel at 8:30Return approx 5:00 - 5:30Cost: 250 shekelsbring lunch
Some highlights:
A visit with Yifat Alkobi . She is sometimes referred to as the "superwoman of Hevron". Why? She is indefatigable in locating and redeeming sites in our holy city to which dedicated Jewish families can return despite the obstacles and dangers. She will receive us in the famous "Bet Shalom" building with its unique history of struggle and final redemption for Am Yisroel.
We will tour the newest archeological excavations in ancient Hevron where our forefathers and mothers lived. The largest ever discovered second Temple-era Jewish olive oil "factory " was recently unearthed near the ancient Jewish cemetery. Fantastic to behold Nearby are majestic olive trees that may date back to temple times. Just beautiful!
We will visit the recently refurbished Museum of Hevron with its wealth of information and surprises.
We will pray and pay our respects at the tombs of our matriarchs and patriarch in the monumental "Maarat Hamachpela ' including a tour of the site.
Additional surprises are being planned for this special day.
[email protected]
"Jews, Israelis and Arabs" is my latest book which is available on Amazon and other sites. I just can not put it down!


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