Every year, hundreds of people gather at Ohel Wosk on Moshav Matityahu to hear Rabbi Zev Leff, Morah D'Asra of the Moshav, expound on various aspects of the kinnos on a relevant theme. This year the very timely topic was "The Various Components of the Bais HaMikdash - Mourning What We Have Lost"
The kinnos program is broadcast live on tisha ba'v morning at around 8:15 am (following the 7:25 minyan) and is available for free on-demand playback powered by Midabrim Communications.
Rabbi Leff is also the Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Matityahu for the past 20 years.
The livestream is their main yearly fundraiser appeal. This year the program was dedicated as a zechus refuah sheleima for Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal, Chaya bas Nechama Batya, Yosef Chaim ben Shoshana Menucha, Batya Ruth bat Ronit, Aryeh Yitzchok ben Rasha Glicka Tirtza, Shmuel ben Chana, Refaela Chaya Rivka bas Faige Perel, Avraham Yosef ben Malka, Avigdor Moshe ben Malka, Shimon ben Devorah Leah, Chana bas Noah, Moshe Betzalel ben Rochel Miriam, Yisroel Baruch ben Chaya and leilu nishmas Moshe Aaron ben Yitzchak, Avraham Mordechai ben Shevach, HaRav Chaim Tzvi ben HaRav Moshe Yitzchak (Wasserman), HaRav Pinchas Aharon ben BenTzion (Weberman), HaRav Pinchas Aryeh ben Dovid Dov (Stolper), Rebbitzen Chaya bas Yona (Stolper), and Mala bas Mordechai (Listhaus).