Grab friends and family and come browse over 2000 2nd-hand books in great condition at excellent prices in the German Colony! This isnt a business. It is a pop-up sale. The adult fiction is all in English, but there is a large selection of children's/teens books in both English and Hebrew. There are also a nice selection of seforim and Jewish books in English and Hebrew.
To set a time to browse please call or whatsapp: 052-3392-814 Come browse- there is something for everyone: Fiction and non-fiction, children's books, seforim, thrillers, romance, Historical fiction, crime, drama, cookbooks and more! Most novels are 20 shekel (some more, some less). Most Non-fiction is 15-30. Most Children's books are 5-20. There is a discount section of 5-10nis books.
Join this FB group for more details:
When: Now till the end of December. No set hours for the duration of the sale, just whatsapp/txt or call right before heading over to confirm a time to browse. I'm often flexible till late at night.
Address: Masaryk 4, entrance A, ground level, the door says Arye.
Regarding Credit: if you have good condition fantasy, sci-fi or comics, you might be able to get credit towards the sale. I am also giving credit for good condition children's books in English. Just send a Whatsapp or email me to see if Ill accept what you have.
[email protected]