Yehuda Grunhut ADHD and Life Coach


Yehuda Grunhut ADHD and Life Coach
0587185065 732-523-0963 [email protected]
Sderot Levi Eshkol 20 Jerusalem


Are you an ADHDer looking to make the most of yourself?

ADHD Coaching may be the perfect answer. We can determine that we are a great fit through a free discovery session. We will have a session to discuss your strengths, areas you want to maximize, and what you would like to get from coaching. Depending on your prior knowledge, we may explore ADHD topics, and discuss the whats and whys of your unique ADHD brain. After that initial session, we jump into coaching. I use top-notch techniques, culled from the Masters like my mentors Jay Perry, Diane Mcleane, and Aron Lazarus, and the academies I've trained with, ADDCA and Mentorcoach. I use my warm, caring, and accepting nature to create a space of love, safety, and growth. We explore and discover how you can live your best life, your way. My passion is people and my joy is seeing your ideal maximized life becoming your reality.

In person and virtual sessions are available.

Book a free discovery session today! [email protected]

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