Wanted: Merchandise for Emunah White Elephant Sale - New Instructions

Stuff For Sale

Wanted: Merchandise for Emunah White Elephant Sale - New Instructions

Emunah Mini White Elephant Sale 

Due to the precautions being taken to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, the Emunah offices are closed until further notice. However, merchandise is still be collected at the following drop off locations:

German Colony: Julie Goldberg-Botwin, 7 Masaryk St. (please place donations under porch white table)

Har Nof: Rella Borowski (058-766-7318)

Old City:  Eve Solomon   (050-661-3321)

You can look forward to the Emunah White Elephant Sale scheduled for June 10th and 11th.

So, as you do your Pesach cleaning, think of us.

What we need:
Judaica, Artwork and Frames, Linens, Costume Jewelry, Toys, Hebrew and English fiction and non-fiction books, CDs and DVDs
Decorative & Household items, purses, shoes, hats, scarves, health and beauty aids,
Small furniture and appliances
Please, all in fine salable condition.
 !!! Important Information !!!
No clothing will be accepted. This is a merchandise only sale. Please do not leave clothing at any of the drop off points.
Please donate as much as possible of the items mentioned above.
Thank you for your support.

Any questions contact Bette Gorden (054-344-7869) or Sandy Lerner (052-664-0860

??? ???????. www.avast.com
