Sign up today for our Kabbalah and Self-healing course: Healing with the Sefirot! 5 Tuesdays on Zoom August 29th to September 26th!
If you are interested in healing your life, gain awareness of the spiritual light that surrounds you and tap into its healing properties you will gain a wealth of information and spiritual healing techniques in this course.
You will learn a comprehensive understanding of the deeper meaning of the Sefirot (Hashem’s Kabbalistic Emanations) and how to use them in healing.
If you already have a background in various Eastern healing methods you will welcome learning to differentiate between the Jewish and the Eastern modalities of healing.
Packed with Torah texts, meditations and spiritual healing exercises this intensive course will, moreover, provide you with useful skills for true forgiveness. Early Bird until July 30th! For more info and for registration: https://www.berotbatayin.org/kabbalah-and-self-healing-1/