Pre-Pesach Wig Sale next week in Neve Yaakov - one day only!!
50% off retail prices!
Stunning, high-quality wigs - new and second-hand, from the well-known boutique in Beitar Illit.
Large range of wigs from European and Brazilian hair.
All new wigs priced from 3900-5900 NIS
Second-hand wigs - starting from 900 NIS
The sale will take place on Monday, 27 Adar (20.3), from 5-10pm
in the "Bais Tefilla" hall - Rechov Pardes, corner of Rechov Tzukerman.
For more info: Rebecca Wig Boutique (Chaya's Wigs), 054-844-3490, WhatsApp: 050-781-6960
Shavua Tov,