We invite you to our Free Introductory Webinar "Finding Love Again" on Sunday, June 12th at 8 PM Israel, 1 PM Eastern, and 10 AM Pacific time. Register here
We put together this program because many mature singles have not been on the dating scene for a long time and often feel awkward and uncomfortable. Or maybe they have been in the dating scene but have gotten frustrated with their results so far. We have been there. We have combined our experiences and learning with Meira's professional certifications and her long history of doing personal coaching in many areas such as healing from grief for those who have been widowed.
We are looking forward to an exciting and informative Webinar in which we will be sharing an outline for our soon to start in depth program. The title of our introductory session is:
The Five Assumptions that Keep You From Finding Love Again
In this session, you are going to learn about five emotions that lead to the assumptions we make, taking you away from the life you truly want. They are sadness, feeling lack, anger, doubt or confusion, and seeking pleasure/lust. These emotions bring up pictures in your mind followed by powerful thoughts that lead to assumptions that will stop you in your tracks!
We know that some of you will want to take it further. So before we conclude, I promise to share with you how we can work together. The upcoming full series will go into much more depth on these emotions and how to overcome the blocks that hold you back.
Join us if you would like to get on the path to success in finding your special someone!
This program is suitable for anyone over 50, it does not require any prerequisites, it is open to all good people of good heart.
The content is Kosher and draws heavily on Jewish Tradition but requires no prior knowledge. We will be approaching this subject from a modern viewpoint that takes into account the present realities of dating.
In a few days, we will be sending you the details to join our Zoom Webinar. In the meantime, if you do not have Zoom you need not worry, the information will be included in the upcoming email.
Sign-up for the FREE introductory webinar here: https://findingloveagain.net/free-introductory-session-enrollment
We also invite you to share this information with anyone you care about who might benefit from this program. Just send them to this message or the link to sign-up.
Please forward this to any Individuals, Groups, Emails, or Facebook if relevant to them.
Yitzi and Meira Bar-Lev