Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel at 75 Celebration in Beautiful Bat Ayin


 Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel at 75 Celebration in Beautiful Bat Ayin
Physical 26/04/2023 26/04/2023 Starts 10:00 Ends 16:00 50 NIS
https://form.jotform.com/MBBA/yom-haatzmaut-5783 [email protected] +972584218048
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin Bat Ayin

Celebrate Israeli Independence Day the Bat Ayin way! Register today, https://form.jotform.com/MBBA/yom-haatzmaut-5783

Yom Ha’atzmaut Mini Retreat– Wednesday April 26th  

10:00-12:15 – Nature hike to Ma’ayan Ein Yitzchak |TBA  

12:30-14:00 BBQ |Moshe and Kochava Rosenbaum  

13:45-14:00 Songs of Eretz Yisrael |Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum  

14:00:14:30/7-7:30 AM EST Musical Hallel 

14:30-15:45/7:30-8:45 EST Shiur: Tapping into the Power of the 5th of Iyar 

A Journey from Physical to Spiritual Redemption |Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum  

16:00-17:10/ 9:00-10:10 EST Spiritual Writing Workshop |Yedida Miriam Levy 

Option to stay overnight in Retreat center  

Program includes wholesome festive lunch BBQ Lunch (Bring a snack for the hike)  

Program Fee NIS 75 at the door, NIS 50 in advance BIT +972584218048

Overnight Retreat Center Fee NIS 180 


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