Diamond Jewelry by Zvi Hager

Beauty & Fashion

Diamond Jewelry by Zvi Hager
054-499-9402 [email protected]

Diamond Jewelry

Beyond the Sparkle

Buying diamonds for that special someone (even yourself), requires a much different approach than most purchases. Unlike buying groceries or clothing, purchasing diamond jewelry tends to be a less frequent occurrence. As such, most buyers lack the expertise or experience to ensure that they are getting the right diamond for the right price. In addition, not all diamonds are created equal; there are many variables that can affect the price, quality and longevity of the diamond. And finally, being that diamond jewelry is often bought for those who are nearest and dearest to us, such a purchase may be worth a little extra effort.

So how does a diamond shopper know what to look for? What are the tricks of the trade? How can you get the best bang for your buck? The keys to evaluating diamonds are the 4 C’s: Cut, Carat, Color and Clarity. Here’s a brief summary of what they are:

  • CUT – Cut refers to a diamond’s symmetry and polish. “Well-cut” diamonds can make a diamond look bigger, improve its color and mask imperfections. 
  • CARAT – Carat weight is how the weight of a diamond (and its resulting size) is measured. As a general rule, the heavier the weight, the larger the stone, although its corresponding size changes in relatively small increments. 
  • COLOR – The color of a diamond determines its sparkle and reflectiveness. Colors range from D (superior) to Z (inferior). It is worth noting that color differences are harder to notice in smaller diamonds.

There is a price premium for white as opposed to yellow.

  • CLARITY – Diamond clarity depicts the quality of a diamond, along with any internal or external blemishes. Clarity can also affect durability. Slight changes in quality can offer significant financial savings, but these differences are usually not noticeable to the naked eye.

Beyond the 4 C’s, there are other factors to consider, especially for those living in Israel. Here are some of the key ones:

  • SETTINGS – Settings made in some countries, such as Turkey or Hong Kong, tend to be of lower quality than those made here in Israel.
  • CLARITY ENHANCED – Modern technologies, such as laser treatment, enable diamonds to be “clarity enhanced” in order to remove inclusions. The result is a diamond that is essentially identical to one that hasn’t been enhanced, but with a 30- 40% lower price.
  • BUYING DIRECT – Shoppers can often save a whopping 60-70% when buying directly from a reputable manufacturer. Retail stores tend to have high overhead costs, which are passed on to the consumer.

Saving money? Ultimately, diamond shopping boils down to personal preference. When budget-conscious, some would choose a larger diamond with lower quality, while others would prefer a smaller diamond of higher quality. And just as with diamond clarity, even minor differences in color and carat weight, although not noticeable to the naked eye, can offer significant savings.

What if a shopper sees the perfect piece of jewelry in an expensive retail store, but it is beyond their budget? Can he go directly to a manufacturer and save money?

To find the answer, we consulted with Zvi Hager, partner and founder of EBS Diamond and Jewelry Manufacturers, based here in Israel. He explained, “Sophisticated manufacturers offer customized ring design, computerized simulation of the final product and a 3-D printed prototype before it is manufactured. We can actually recreate any ring you see in a store or magazine, with your specifications and budget in mind.”

With proper research and direction, diamond shopping does not have to be a complicate or frustrating experience and it certainly doesn’t need to break anyone’s budget. On the contrary, by turning to a reputable manufacturer, you can show your loved ones how much you value them by finding that “diamond in the rough” and still have some money left over for groceries and clothing.

Zvi Hager can be reached at 054-499-9402.

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