One-time Cleaner Needed


One-time Cleaner Needed
Freelance / Contractor
0544903033 [email protected]

Have cleaning experience? 

Looking for spontaneous gigs here and there?

We need you as a back-up cleaner for our regular cleaning jobs. 

So there's no set schedule, no commitment. Schedule varies from day to day and week to week.

Here's how it works:

One-time jobs come up in various areas of Jerusalem, we inform you about them by WhatsApp, and you can accept or reject the job as it comes up. 

Paying 65 NIS per hour.


Listed as an independent contractor, you must provide an official receipt for all wages received (Osek Patur/Osek Murshe). If you can't provide an official receipt, don't bother applying. 

Must prove to be an experienced cleaner. 

To apply or for more info.

We will respond only to qualified applicants.


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